Several people asked me to write something linkable about my recent name and gender change, so here's an initial sketch.
All four names (original/new * Chinese/English) are listed on the Wikipedia page about me. The new names had replaced original ones in my passport and national ID card (yes, .tw does have such things), so legal documents -- including copyright notices -- need to carry the new name.
I'm okay with people addressing me with the handle autrijus, but "Audrey Tang" is much preferred over "Autrijus Tang". I have also changed my IRC nickname from autrijus to audreyt in magnet, ircnet and freenode.
About the gender change: I've been shutting Reality off and lived almost exclusively on the net for many years, because my brain knows for sure that I'm a woman, but the social expectation demanded otherwise -- a classic transgender situation that caused high background anxiety, making it difficult for me to meet and relate to other people.
With love and support from many people (my lover/partner, several camelfolks and lambdafolks, my family, a few real-world friends), I decided to reconcile my outward appearance with my self image (which, among the myriad of gender identity labels, is perhaps closest to a winkte).
Now things had improved a lot after a few minor operations, adjustments in appearance, as well as counseling; more surgeries are expected in the future.
As such, for people writing or speaking in languages that have gender-specific pronouns, I would very much prefer female pronouns for all of past, present and future tenses. Thanks for your understanding. :-)