Thanks to miyagawa, you can take a look of some of the hackathoners from the photos he took.
Gugod hacked on Kwiki::Theme::Ajax, a JSAN-enabled Kwiki theme that provides a smoother wiki experience. See for a demo -- note the very clever way to mark page links using #PageName fragment identifiers. I wonder if Wifty can take a page or two from it...
A new hackathoner hlb joined our ranks today. As miyagawa brought me a book on Takahashi method, we chatted about my XUL-based slides, which works really well but doesn't downgrade to w3m, KHTML, or anything else than Gecko.
To address this issue, hlb started from Eric Meyer's S5 and added resize-to-the-max JavaScript controls to it (here is a work-in-progress demo). Once Gugod's Spork::S5 is ported to support this new S5+Takahashi theme (with maybe some presentacular), I'll promptly switch over all my talks to use it.
Ingy continued hacking on Now that Gaal has finished object/yaml roundtrip in Pugs (see his livejournal entry on this), I'm delighted to learn that now supports marshalling non-perl5 nodes into Perl 5 objects; now we can really serialize all the Object Space and PIL tree into YAML via Syck. Which would need a DrIFT rule to dump/load all Haskell structures.
I made three more YAML::Syck releases, adding the capability to toggle implicit typing using a package variable $YAML::Syck::ImplicitTyping. Ingy noted that it should default to false (and handle only the '~' => undef case), and handle things correctly when it's set to true. I've delivered both, thanks to Why's rubyext.c code, and now YAML::Syck parsing should be even faster. :-)
Miyagawa hacked on a lot of CPAN modules, such as XML::Liberal, Catalyst::View::JSON, WWW::OpenSearch, Kwiki::TypeKey, WWW::Blog::Metadata, Kwiki::OpenSearch::Service, and
various other CoolTechX::CoolTechY bridge modules. Also see miyagawa's own account about the hackathon in his bulknews blog...
Now it's way past 5am, and I should sleep. Ingy, gugod and miyagawa are all still hacking on; Ingy seems determined to unleash 0.50 to the world, with its thousands of Test::Base based tests. Happy hacking!