Since the main subtest failures were taken care of yesterday, today we focused on fixing parsefails, cleaning up unit tests of bundled modules, as well as build system improvements. Thanks to bsmith, both "make ghci" and "make haddock" targets are repaired, and Makefile.PL now contains a simple build system overview section added by putter.
As of this writing, "make test" passes 100% here, and only four ext/ modules (Set-Infinite, Span, Perl6-Container-Array and Perl6-Value-List) remains to be triaged.
Tomorrow we'll push out preflight builds; if all goes well, another round of changelogging should be the only thing left before the anniversary release of Pugs 6.2.11. Wish us luck. :-)
Yesterday, in OSDC, you mentioned programming languages contests, whre Haskell got top places. Can you please point me to those contests?
Posted by: Yossi Itzkovich | 2006.02.28 at 04:30 AM
Posted by: anonymous | 2006.02.28 at 05:57 AM