Leo just confirmed that we'll gather together in Vienna after GPW (March 1-3), for another week-long Hackathon on Perl6/Parrot integration.
Last time Chip and I stayed at his place, we made Pugs 6.2.0 (procedural interface without objects) target PIR through a then-newly-specified PIL language.
I hope we can repeat the same performance for the 6.28.0 (object model) milestone, after the Perl 5 targetting in the Israel Hackathon. We can approach this by porting the PILN representation types into PMC types, following the step of Lua and Tcl. It'd be a lot of fun. :-)
Oh, and it seems that Larry and Damian may come to YAPC::Asia as well. The Tokyo hackathon is looking more impressive by the day; I wonder if we can get Ruby people into the mix...