Jet lag hits! --More--
You lose 5 days.
I've had four half-finished journal entries (on Parrot object model, the self-hosting lrep compiler, Moose, the shining new S26: Perldoc, hacking with Sasada and other Ruby people in next week's YAPC::Asia to target YARV, the upcoming Pugs perlcast, etc etc...) but my brain isn't yet readjusted to Realspace time, and so will have to wait some more. :-(
By the way, I've recorded a voice track for the Larry was a mariner talk. Other talks are coming soon as well. Thanks to Arathorn++, we have a beginning of a synchronized version (Flash 7+ required), though the cue file is probably out of sync and needs work... Patches welcome. :-)
Hi Audrey,
For the XUL/Flash hybrid to work, you'll need to drop the 'remote control' swf into the same directory from - and also the transcoded mp3 from
In order to create a cue file, run firefox (or moz) from the console - making sure you've set browser.dom.window.dump.enabled = true in about:config or user.js. Then, give the flash component mouse whilst it's playing the presentation, and hit 'p' to spew the XML out to the browser's stdout. It's not pretty, but it was just a quick proof of concept ;)
The latest version of the flash/xul 'engine' can probably be found at - i'll split the ActionScript out of the main .fla file next time i'm in the vicinity and upload it somewhere.
-- A
Posted by: Arathorn | 2006.03.22 at 12:36 AM
I just uploaded 0.02 of Moose to CPAN, which includes (among other things) documentation ;-)
- Stevan
Posted by: Stevan Little | 2006.03.22 at 03:41 AM