Despite 3-hour-chunks of sleeps induced by jet lags, I managed to survive and arrived at Tokyo tonight in once piece. Kogai-san's place is really roomy and comfortable; lwall and drolsky is already here, and ingy/gugod will join us tomorrow.
Spent most of the time on the Airport Express ride from Narita airpot to Tokyo city on backlogging #perl6... A daunting task with 8000+ entries in the past ten days, especially with all the activities surrounding the self-hosting compiler based on the Perl 5 runtime.
Still I look forward to write about them, starting tomorrow, preferably before the highly-tempting walking tour in Akihabara...
audrey - a small pugs request...when i go to build and install pugs on my linux box, it wants to write to /usr...i would like to be ab le to contain the full installation in $HOME/local. sorry for muddying your forum with project requests, but i have already established my idiot credentials
Posted by: grumpY! | 2006.03.28 at 01:36 AM
Hi Audrey,
Might you comment on the state of Pugs/Parrot integration? I'm a bit confused as to the direction of Perl6. Is more effort going towards a Perl5 backend now?
Posted by: Gary | 2006.03.28 at 05:26 AM
Hey, what's up with Pugs and you? :)
Posted by: András Bártházi | 2006.04.12 at 12:42 PM
Andras: A lot is going on (see p6l and :-)
But the back-to-back conferences+hackathons proved to be too hectic to journal about -- i.e. things happens faster than my comprehension...
I'll see if I can remedy somewhat this weekend. Sorry about that. :)
Posted by: Audrey T | 2006.04.12 at 07:16 PM
Thanks for the info. :) Unfortunately, I have no time these months to check the lists and IRC, but very interested in it. Your summaries are a lot of help to me to track where is Perl6 today.
Posted by: András Bártházi | 2006.04.13 at 04:09 AM
i am checking back here once in a while for new journals too.
even a really short list of what is happening in Perl 6 and Pugs would be sufficient. :)
Posted by: Qiang | 2006.04.14 at 01:35 AM