Today's multitasking-collaboration was highly, extremely, productive, on many fronts:
- I finally sat down with gaal++ to do the long-awaited P6AST redesign.
- uri++ proofread much of S02 and found a huge number of typographical/forward-reference-pedagogical errors.
- TimToady++ and I finally worked out the multi dispatch and implicit coercion semantics (not yet committed to S06).
- clkao++ implemented the Capture/Signature semantics for methods on Data::Bind (soon to be on CPAN -- after SVK 1.08's release I'm told).
- cwest++ started coding trypugs, a tryruby clone harnessing Pugs's interactive shell -- coded in Jifty, no less! (We'll probably deploy it on soon.)
- With pmichaud++'s help, sanug++ (George Wood) made some amazing Perl 6 architecture diagrams, re-expressing the Pugs compilation flow under Parrot/PGE and Perl5/'s context. I've made some draft PDFs available by exporting the OmniGraffle Pro source file.
- kolibrie++ worked on (ab)using the <ws> rule to allow whitespace inrules to match arbitrary junks (an idea reminiscent of Template::Extract). With pmichaud++'s help, his proof of concept now worked flawlessly with PGE.
- stevan++ worked on Moose to push more non-sugary protocols into Class::MOP, and re-implement the two missing Perl 6 metaobjects (Package for adding, removing and testing existence of symbols, and Module for version and author metadata, as well as importing/exporting of symbols.)
- Ingy++ clarified the YAML situation on Perl tags, ruling that !!perl is correct, but both YAML::Syck and should recognize the !perl form.
There were far more happening than this -- everybody was hacking and discussing and triaging acively in the Common room -- but I'd need to sleep now, and resume the continuation tomorrow. See you!