So the conference is over, the hackthon is about to start tomorrow -- meet us at 10am at the student center (by the coffee bar and 7-11) and we'll enter the dorms as a group -- with 30+ people signed up.
Contrary to the previous hackathons, my plan for this Hackathon is actually nothing -- the object/capture runcore Pugs changes for 6.28.0 will be done in Boston with a smaller number of lambdamoose; in Chicago here, I'll just be around and provide review/feedback/tutorial/etc and maybe suggest interesting/crazy ideas for people to try out.
During the dinner party, gaal++ released, the cheap-and-cheerful module alternate loader (to choose one between YAML::Syck and YAML based on which one is available, for example), and I've finally got around to check in the great semicolon change that I've been bugging TimToady++ and dconway++ during all this conference.
Also, I outlined the changes Class::MOP and Moose needs to become the canonical Perl 6 metaobject protocol -- so fglock++ can get a free ride as can now target Moose by compiling Perl 6 class declarations to Moose declarations.
In other news nothingmuch++ implemented serialization for code references in YAML::Syck for Perl 5, then went ahead to implement Ingy's new compatible-to-other-languages tagging scheme for Perl nodes. However, as this breaks compatibility with loader -- and I'm still trying to figure out if it's !!perl/hash or !perl/hash -- and also because nothingmuch is drunk now and in no shape of interractive coding sessions -- I'll probably hold until tomorrow when all involved parties are sober enough to talk through the implications. :-)
I suppose '!perl/hash' is YAML 1.0 syntax while '!!perl/hash' is YAML 1.1 syntax. I believe all the existing YAML parsers including Syck bindings support YAML 1.0 only.
Posted by: xi | 2006.06.30 at 12:43 AM
Is there a place to look for info about the Boston portion of the hackathon?
Posted by: Matt | 2006.06.30 at 02:15 AM
Hi Audrey,
First, this is not a perl-related comment, but I have no other known way to contact you. Please accept my apologies in advance if my doing so is construed to be inappropriate.
I am a Perl scripter and I came upon your name while browsing various Perl sites for fun.
I noticed you are an "individual anarchist" and also that you take upon yourself important projects.
I would love to share some extremely fundamental law-related concepts that I just know you will find intriguing, relevant, and crucial in our day and age.
If you are interested, just email me.
Posted by: Tony Barbieri | 2006.07.01 at 03:51 AM