...went quite successful (slides: PDF, Flash, HTML+images). It's essentially Ingy's talk, Stevan's talk, gaal's talk and my earlier Pugs talk rolled into one, so I had to talk very fast due to the sheer number of slides, and regrettably rushed through the question/answers a bit.
However, people on #yapc seems to like it. This comment from gnat++ on the slide about yesterday's hack really cracked me up:
23:04 <@gnat> I have no joke here, I just like to say "first you simply swap out the entire symbol table."
Now I'd need to sleep a bit (sadly skipping the conference banquet), and finish up the S06/S12 changes I talked about with TimToady++ and dconway++ today, and maybe draw some more diagrams about how the various subprojects work together, to prepare for the post-conference Hackathon. See you!
Are there IRC logs for #yapc?
Posted by: Brian Phillips | 2006.06.28 at 08:01 AM
Brian: I don't think there is one, sorry... (and most of the log wouldn't make much sense without environmental context.)
Posted by: Audrey T | 2006.06.28 at 08:48 AM
I just posted a link to this post on a new /. book review topic for "Wicked Cool Perl Scripts" with the title "Future Wickedness". I hope this was not a Bad Thing. ;)
Posted by: Chris Smith | 2006.06.29 at 03:48 AM